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Reliable Real Estate

In the development side we specialize in the construction of Multi-Family Rental Communities and we do everything from the acquisition of land to managing the asset once built. Our expertise includes due-diligence, strategic acquisition, design, construction and property management.

Leadership Team

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Roberto De Jesus

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Foreign Civil Engineer

Certified General Contractor

Real Estate Broker

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Luciano De Jesus

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Vice President

Foreign Attorney

LLM University of Miami - Real Property Development


Mortgage Loan Officer

About us

EverRealty is a Real Estate Company based in Florida with customer-oriented Brokerage and Property Management services. EverRealty specializes in Real Estate Investments and Development; more specifically in Multi-Family, Hotels and income-producing properties.


Our team is made of professionals in the Real Estate industry such as our Broker, Realtors, Loan Officer, General Contractor, sub-contractors, legal advisor, marketing and advertising specialists, due-diligence team and, of course, our investors who put their trust in us.


At EverRealty we dedicate ourselves to bring solid Investment Opportunities to our Investors for them to assemble a Real Estate Investment Portfolio with diversification and yield optimization.


On the development side, through different entities, we specialize in the construction of Multi-Family Rental Communities and we do everything from the acquisition of land to managing the asset once built. Our expertise includes due-diligence, strategic acquisition, design, construction and property management.

Our goal is to maintain our Investor-EverRealty relationships as well kept as we maintain our assets.



EverRealty is a Real Estate Company based in Florida with customer-oriented Brokerage and Property Management services. EverRealty specializes in Real Estate Investments and Development; more specifically in Multi-Family, Hotels and income-producing properties.


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® 2022 EverRealty Investments. All rights reserved.

EverRealty Investments | 1500 Weston Rd Ste 202, Weston, FL 33326 | License number: CQ1058571 3

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